CD: Meditations2Go
Artist: Rob Brookler

There can be no doubt that we live in a world of beauty and wonder. Yet at the same time, it is equally true that modern life offers its share of stress and challenges to our physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. One way of coping with this that many people have found effective is through meditation, although, in our fast-paced world, it is often difficult for some to find the time, discipline, or even motivation to pursue this practice. This is where Meditations2Go provides a practical and easy to use solution for those seeking stress reduction, inner peace, and more.


Meditations2Go are “guided audio meditations featuring synchronized music and narration,” each about 30 minutes in length. There are currently 12 different titles available covering a wide range of topics that include: “Restoring Balance and Clarity,” Releasing Emotional Tension,” Awakening Your Worthiness & Freedom,” “Releasing Fear,” “Healing & Wholeness,” and “Acceptance of the Self,” among others. Each one is original and unique, with it’s own sequencing and background music based upon a blend of traditional and contemporary meditation techniques. Being a new age music journalist for over 30 years as well as a music producer myself who has worked on a number of guided meditation recordings, I can say that, in my experience, Meditations2Go are some of the best I’ve heard.


The series is the work of Rob Brookler, who has been a meditation teacher in the Los Angeles area for 28 years He is also the president of Planetwide Publishing as well as an author of numerous articles on personal growth, healing, and life learning. Having worked with many groups and individuals in that time, he draws from real life experience and has created a practical approach to not only focusing the mind, but on gaining insight into many of the issues that are prevalent in our day to day lives. He sees meditation as being about more than relaxation, and feels that it can lead to personal empowerment as well. In his words: “Our tendency when challenged is to close around our fears, to tighten around our emotional tension, to become heavy – all of which narrow our power and vision, constrict our mental and vital energies, and tend to create pain and struggle. Meditations2Go audio meditations counter this tendency. They help the listener gently “expand” rather than contract as an approach to their challenges, their healing, their creating in the world. They help “release” tension, fear, and judgment.” He emphasizes the need for balance in life and states that: “Nothing that is not done in balance can result in balance. One of the things that impressed me the most about Meditations2Go is how well produced and professional they are. A standout feature for me is Rob’s voice. His tone and timbre, as well as his pacing and cadence are about as perfect as you could want for something of this nature. He also has a wonderful ear for the kind of music that is best suited for each topic, and will even spend time in the studio with the soundtrack producer during the recording process to help tailor it for the particular meditation.


The meditations are available in a number of formats. There are 6 individual CD sets, with each CD containing 2 full-length meditations (approximately 30 minutes each). The two meditations on each CD are perfectly paired and work well together. Another option, which is convenient and quite popular these days, is the digital download. One can simply go to the website, select any of the 12 meditations, pay for it, and download to their computer – after which it can played on the computer or transferred to an mp3 player, smart phone, iPad, etc. or burned to a CD-R. And speaking of the website, in addition to being able to hear samples of each meditation, there is a wealth of well-written articles that “offer guidance for a variety of personal challenges and life-learning … suggesting a more loving and empowering context in which to view and manage these challenges.” While these are presented as a supplement to the meditations and embody many of the principles found within, they can be quite helpful in their own right, and the fact that they are available to read free of charge speaks to the positive intention and goodwill of Rob and his site.


Needless to say, I am very impressed with Meditations2Go and am greatly enjoying and benefiting from integrating their soothing ambience and insightful narratives into my life. In Rob’s own words: “As human beings, we are bound to experience some distress as we grow … some pain as we (and our lives) transition from what we are to what we are becoming. Meditations2Go audio meditations and text articles are designed to provide balance and support for this passage. To help you release the fear and pain, to gain some understanding of your growth process, and to find the gifts of your learning. That is our wish for you, with love.”